[Verleugnung]의 글/사적인 정리

[철학] 물질과 기억 독해 1

자급자족 프로닥숀 2013. 12. 12. 20:42

서문 (한글판 27~28쪽)

원문 : Or, dès qu'on demande aux faits des indications précises pour résoudre le problème, c'est sur le terrain de la mémoire qu'on se trouve transporté. On pouvait s'y attendre, car le souvenir, - ainsi que nous essayons de le montrer dans le présent ouvrage, - représente précisément le point d'intersection entre l'esprit et la matière. Mais peu importe la raison : personne ne contestera, je crois, que dans l'ensemble de faits capables de jeter quelque lumière sur la relation psychophysiologique, ceux qui concernent la mémoire, soit à l'état normal, soit à l'état pathologique, occupent une place privilégiée. Non seulement les documents sont ici d'une abondance extrême (qu'on songe seulement à la masse formidable d'observations recueillies sur les diverses aphasies !), mais nulle part aussi bien qu'ici l'anatomie, la physiologie et la psychologie n'ont réussi à se prêter un mutuel appui. À celui qui aborde sans idée préconçue, sur le terrain des faits, l'antique problème des rapports de l'âme et du corps, ce problème apparaît bien vite comme se resserrant autour de la question de la mémoire, et même plus spécialement de la mémoire des mots : c'est de là, sans aucun doute, que devra partir la lumière capable d'éclairer les côtés plus obscurs du problème.


나의 직번역 : Now, as soon as we ask the fact for precise information to resolve the problem, it is on the field of the memories that we could find excitement. We can expect from it, because the memory – so we try to show that in this previous work – represents precisely the point of intersection between the spirit and the matter. But we may leave out the reason here : nobody will deny that, I believe, among the facts capable of throw some light on the patho-physiological relation, those who concentrate on the memory, either in the normal or in the pathological state, occupent a privileged place. Not only are the documents here extremely abundant (Let's just consider the formidable mass of observations collected in regard to the diverse aphasias!) But no other part have anatomy, physiology, and psychology success in lending mutual aid. In person who approaches, without preconceived idea and on the ground of fact, the classical problem of the relations of soul and body, appears to be center upon the question of memory, and even more specially upon the memory of words : it is from this, without any dout, that should start off the light which is capable of illuminate the obscurer parts of the problem.


영문 : Now, as soon as we do, indeed, apply to positive facts for such information as may help us to solve the problem, we find it is with memory that we have to deal. This was to be expected, because memory - we shall try to prove it in the course of this work - is just the intersection of mind and matter. But we may leave out the reason here: no one, at any rate, will deny that, among all the facts capable of throwing light on the psycho-physiological relation, those which concern memory, whether in the normal or in the pathological state, hold a privileged position. Not only is the evidence here extremely abundant (consider the enormous mass of observations collected in regard to the various kinds of aphasia), but nowhere else have anatomy, physiology and psychology been able to lend each other such valuable aid. Any one who approaches, without preconceived idea and on the firm ground of facts, the classical problem of the relations of (pg xvii) soul and body, will soon see this problem as centering upon the subject of memory, and even more particularly upon the memory of words: it is from this quarter, undoubtedly, that will come the light which will illumine the obscurer parts of the problem.

apply to A for B : A에게 B를 요구하다 (apply : '몰두하다'로 해석하면 될 듯)/ as may ~ : ~할 수 있도록/ intersection : 교차점/ leave out : 무시하다/ at any rate : 어쨌든/ But we may leave out the reason here : 그러나 이유는 중요치 않다/in regard to ~ : ~에 대하여/ center upon(on, around, round) ~ : ~에 집중하다/ quarter : 여기서는 '구역'이라는 의미로 쓰인 듯/ it is from this quarter, that will come the light : 빛이 출발해야 할 곳은 이 구역이다.


내용 정리 :

- 영혼과 신체의 관계를 다루기 위해서는 '기억'의 문제를 다루는 것이 가장 좋다.